Monday, May 27, 2013


Only brilliant minds can inspire. Inspiration is the soul of creation. Be it any field cooking, art, science, construction, finance... every initiative and achievement is inspired by something or the other. One such great mind who has inspired many people including me is Béatrice Coron.

Inspired by her work and her skill and some of the mughal art that I was browsing through I started off with some intricate designs. I knew these designs wont be easy to cut still tried my level best to cut the curves neatly.. hope you like these. .  

Designs inspired by the mughal art turn out to be very intricate and beautiful. Cutting these is nerve wracking but too much fun :)

Another attempt... though not very intricate but still loads of curves to cut.
Please feel free to comment. Another post will be up soon.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flowers and peacocks!!!

Its an addiction. Paper cutting has been the most satisfying thing I have done in a long time. Creating a design suitable for the art is amazing fun in itself. Its thrilling to have completed a design as the excitement to start cutting takes over your heart.

Creating greeting cards has always been my thing. Cards convey emotions much better than words sometimes. When words are put on paper they exist for ever...and a gift that exists for ever can never lose its beauty.

 Peacocks and flowers are by far the most adorable design motifs. I am drawn towards the frilly freedom that an artist gets while drawing a flower and peacocks are just so cute :)  !! These motifs have no boundary or any set rule as to how they should be drawn.  

The challenge with creating a design for paper art is judging the thickness of the lines. Too thin and there is a risk of cutting through the entire design.. too thick and the over all look just wont do.   

 Floral and oriental designs on my mind

For now as I have not experimented a lot with coloured paper... white has to be my paper love colour. Its 120 gsm white card stock that I am currently working with but I plan to go up a notch to experience a new feel and texture.

These are the final cards after mounting the paper cut. For the touch and feel of the paper cut and maintain its identity I applied glue only to the border not letting the actual artwork stick to the coloured card.
Stay tuned for more designs and cuts :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Design Cloud

My design cloud . . . is like a scramble egg with toast. Two cracks of simple experiences mixed with  a pinch of enthusiasm and 200 ml of sweet dreams cooked on a very low flame of my paper love with a combination of crisp toasted ideas and a heart full of buttered patience is what my design cloud looks like. yumm!!!

I love doing things that take tremendous patience and hard work. So a few months back I stumbled upon the incredible art of paper cutting while having a heart to heart with GOOGLE GOD and i fell in love with paper all over again. Interestingly this was an art I could not start learning without proper I went shopping. I proved to be a typical girl... ended up buying clothes and got my nails done before buying my art supplies. Well a girl needs retail therapy from time to time :) .  

So I started with my 1st design for paper cut art. I normally design for a purpose and a great idea struck me. I had been planning to give a card to one of my Brazilian friends who is a total sweetheart. FYI Brazilians are super friendly and helpful. If not for him we would not have been able to settle as comfortably as we did in this foreign land with a total foreign language. So I thought why not start with making a card for him. Personally I think handmade gifts are the perfect ones to make any occasion special and memorable.

The design has to be created in a reverse pattern for a fresh and clean finished product. It took some time to understand how the tools work and how to create a design that had a continuity in terms of white and black spaces.

So my 1st design was a floral pattern with a thankyou note . As I started cutting I got more and more confident and though it took a LOT of patience and time and my fingers hurt still it was fun ……. and isnt craft and art all about FUN   !!!


Final Design.